Just as you would pray for a sick person or a bad situation, we are to pray in thanksgiving and for blessings.
Our Almighty God is a good God. He knows all things and through all things he can be glorified. As we step into our relationship, to truly abide in him and communicate with him daily, we have more things to talk about than just pleading prayers. We are to speak to God of our thanksgiving.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17.
We are to recognize that all of our blessings and gifts are from God. Practice thankfulness as a way of life. When we are thankful, feelings of gratitude fill our hearts and souls. We are in awe of God and what he has done for us.
If you have your daily needs thank God for them. If you have healthy children, thank God for them. If you have good health, thank God for it. When is the last time you prayed and cried tears of joy of thankfulness? Have you ever thought how truly blessed you are?
Sometimes we are so focused on what we want or don’t have, we are constantly unsatisfied. I've felt this way many times. There is a constant need for continued growth with my business. There is a constant pursuit for my clothes to be in style and a desire to have a nicer home. If I’m being honest, these are things I want.
In the 23rd Psalm King David prays, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. A shepherd keeps his sheep safe, and makes sure they are cared for. This would mean shelter and fed. When he says I shall not want, he means God is enough. With his protection and provision, we have all we need.
But our nature has us to desire more. Let us recognize that that is a worldly thing and not a Godly thing. Hard to wrap your head around right? It is for me too.
How can we be content with what we have? Be more thankful and mindful of what you do have. Realize that what you have is fulfilling your needs. Realize that you have more than most people around the world.
Does your heart feel like it might want to repent? Sometimes I do when I slow down enough to realize I’m distracted by worldly things and desires and not focused on my true purpose here on earth. Things don’t make us better; we might look different but the value we add comes from the fruit we produce. When we bear good fruit God will bless us more.
Thankfulness exercise: Go sit outside in the morning when the sun is coming up and sit where you can bask in the sun. Feel the presence of God and just be there. Feel His warmth and presence shining down on you and write down or pray out loud to him in thanksgiving. This is a practice and when you do it more, you will feel the full power of his blessings.
"Dear Lord,
Thank you for always being here to listen to my prayers. I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I am so thankful for (_______). Lord, I give you the glory for I know that all good heavenly gifts that are from above."
Then spend some time in the presence of the father and feel the gratitude pour over you. If we don’t make time for God and we don’t shut up long enough to listen, how do we expect him to talk to us?
NEW EPISODE! Owning the Wait Podcast
EP74: Are you overwhelmed with your schedule? When something changes with your children, fitness, or career, it can feel overwhelming as you try to adapt. Sometimes it may even get the best of you and cause you to lash out or experience anxiety. In this episode, I'm sharing some things that help keep me on track, in hopes that they will help you next time you feel overwhelmed with your schedule.